Wednesday, June 26, 2013

NBA top ten players for individuality

Hey Web surfers my name is Allstar and I will be taking you through the top ten players currently in
the NBA with the most unique individuality.

Starting at number ten stands one very colourful defensive center,
the Birdman! aka Chris Anderson

Standing at 6 foot 10, weight of 103.4 kg the birdman is an intimidating figure born for defense, and has also shown  exciting offensive playing for the heat.

In the 2013 playoffs he scored an average of  6.4 points, 3.8 rebounds and a shocking 0.1 for assists.

Another shocking if not quite suprising statistic was his three point shooting percentage, in the 2012-2013 season his average was 0.667, while his career average was 0.154!

Although we are not here to hear all about statistics, we are here to talk about player's individuality, the ability to excite, engage and draw fans.

When Anderson is asked in an interview about his nickname 'the birdman' he talks about 'the birdman' in third person, as if the 'birdman' were another person, like the movie 'me myself and Irene', its almost as if he becomes another person when he gets onto the court.

After being let go by Denver in free agency, Anderson was signed as free agent for the rest of the season by the Miami Heat (2/08/13)
In his debut against the Pistons playing for the Miami Heat he received a standing ovation.

He has the tattoos to match, to be a bird, and after he performs an explosive dunk, he stretches his arms out like he is a soaring eagle.

This not only fires his teammates up, but also makes them want to join in by flapping their arms, while many onlooking fans do like wise.

Although he make look like a tough nut, deep down Anderson is a really considerate guy.

Anderson Purchased tickets to every home game in 2003-04 for less fortunate families.

During his 2005/06 season with the Nuggets, he bought $25,000 in tickets for the 2005-06 season that were distributed among several different charities throughout the year,

he was the 2005 Hornets Books & Bugs spokesperson.

Participated in the Hornets 12 Days of Giving by handing out gifts to children at the Second Harvest Kids’ Café (also funded a Kids Café website with his proceeds from the Slam Dunk Contest).

 Had his artwork auctioned off for $3,500 at the 2005 Top Hats & High Tops benefit for Hornets children’s charities.
Several years in a row he remained in the top ten defensive men in the NBA, giving him the title of the bird who protects the 'nest' (net).

At number nine we have the power forward who jumps leaps and bounds.. and even cars.
Mr. Blake Griffin

Standing at 6 foot 10 weighing in at 113.9 kg, during the 2012/13 season Blake shot an average of 18 points, 8.3 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.2 assists and 0.6 block per game, this guy shot into stardom from day one in his rookie season, making headlines everywhere.

Here is a video showing some of the best plays by Griffin in his rookie year, take note he is not normally a three point shooter.

Griffin has brought a lot of fire power to a team that had a long losing history, and being drafted to the Clippers as the first draft pick back in 2009 he was a chosen part of the plan for change that coach Mike Dunvealy had in mind.

As a person in the spotlight he doesn't seem to mind the attention, and he has a great sense of humour.

In this video he shows he can poke fun at himself , as he pretends to be someone who has stolen his identity.

 However while on the bench during match he also plays fun on his teammates

Number eight belongs to the man who is big at heart and small in stature
Point Guard Nate Robinson
This guy didn't listen when they told him he was too short for the NBA

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